Swan Song / Mardi Gras

Swan Song/Mardi Grass

Numbered clouds
Shades with names
Who calls?
Catch your songs
I'm there you see
At the table
With the kings
All is dying but
We fly in unusual,
Invented dances
I watch
We pass
Catch your songs
And if you think
Those were the days
I would say
You are right
In a certain way
Time also dies

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So that's it ! The rumours were true: OPAQUE DESTINATION IS BACK!
Stay around and join us in this journey towards the unknown.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...
Enjoy it!



Aos passantes e fiéis amigos que ainda me apóiam visitando este lugar de sombras e palavras:

Obrigado pelo contínuo (as vezes involuntário mas sempre bem vindo) apoio.
Opaque Destination está passando por algumas mudanças visuais. Sinto que com o tempo o design do site passou a não representar mais a dimensão da idéia geral deste projeto. Acho que é hora de uma mudança... Assim espero que gostem do novo design no qual estou trabalhando. Infelizmente não tenho tido todo o tempo que queria, já que tenho um trabalho em tempo integral. Mas Opaque Destination vive! de volta mais cedo do que vocês pensam e mais estranho do que nunca...

To the bystanders and faithful friends who still support me by visiting this place of shadows and words:

Thanks for your permanet (sometimes unintended but always welcome) support.
Opaque Destination is going through some visual changes. I feel that the site design no more represents the size of the idea behind this project. I think it is time for a change... I hope you enjoy the new design I'm working on. Unfortunately I have not had much time, since I have a full time job. But Opaque Destination lives! back sooner than you think and stranger than ever...

Fish in The Meadows

Fish in The Meadows

How far we are from what we faithfully seek
What a misleading dream
What a delusive search
Fish in the meadows
And bees in the sea

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It is not possible to know everything about something. Nor even about nothing.



Drawing lines that later will reveal
The bounds that merge us down
In a mass of pressured thoughts
It is true I cannot remember
When I first saw your hesitating walk
Your eyes moving as if yo
ur doubt was mine
Time is a verb and I should have known
How to spell your name without this beauty
That in the end is an empty enchantment
To summon winds from inexistent coordinates

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. .

My mind fights on many fronts.



Shines high
Exiled, I've chased mirages
Crossing deserts to meet
My own disappearance

Found, then lost.

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. . . . . . .
- - - -

All the evidences lead to one suspect: chance.

Good Morning Prypiat

Good Morning Prypiat

900 rusted years will pass
Framed moment, framed air
Nor even ghosts now haunt you
Good morning today
Always in the dark
But is not always night to you

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. .

So, explain to me...



We are merged in fragments
We, dissolved, permeate time
Though we know we have to leave
We talk on staying
Mesmerized by
Life's inconsistency

. . . . . . . . .

The truth is out there. But we are here...

Those Black Eyes Now Opaque

Those Black Eyes Now Opaque

Lying down as if asleep
Drifting now in other worlds
May the gods
Be companion and guide
All joy is departed
All light is away
As they close
With grave mercy
Those black eyes now opaque

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Por que chorar por partes da vida se ela toda é que merece lágrimas?

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus

Sleepwalking In The Castle of Spleen Queen

Sleepwalking In The Castle of Spleen Queen

Submerged in dormancy
These mansions
Of strangely known
In these halls
Of carefully drawn
I recognize
The design of
Your sorrow

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Note: Merged words from previous post "Ghost Station Park Memorial"....



Sidewalks in a dream within a dream
The old smell of earth, bathed
The brand new taste of furious skies
Unseen rooms and hidden aisles of my home
Birds as sparks into the evening
Circling, diving
It's more like if I was the river
That I see from here
Some hearts never stop
Have to leave now
Feel at home in my dream
But it is yours now

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" " " " " "
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So, if the good die young, I have to be the worst of them all.